Friday, May 07, 2004

Mouse in the house

We have rodent problems at my house. First rats, now mice. Two days ago, the exterminator laid a glue trap under the kitchen sink. That night, it caught one. It broke my heart to see the little guy struggle. I could hear it squeak in pain. Those goddam things are cruel, and I am never going to have one of those things in my house again. Get yourself a traditional snap trap. They may not be as effective, but usually when they do get a mouse, the death is quick. Glue traps take a long time to finish the job. If the mouse doesn't suffocate because its mouth is mired in glue, or if it doesn't break its little body from the struggle, it can take days to die. I know, rats and mice are health hazards, but it shouldn't have to be this way.


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