Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Papal Angst

So, we've got a new Pope. Most progressive Catholics like me aren't too keen on this choice. This guy has a history of sticking to stricter traditions of Catholicism, like forbidding women to join the clergy, descrimination against gays, and prohibiting birth control (even in overcrowded third-world countries, where most Catholics come from; personally, JPII should have gotten slapped around for that stance). John Paul II, a traditionalist, elevated most of the current cardinals, so the electing body that gave Benedict his new post is a reflection on JP. Much good was done in JP's papacy, but we could have come further. Indeed, I think we're going backwards, especially since we've got this new guy. If Opus Dei is pleased about this, then you know we're screwed. Maybe that's a bit much for me to say, but it's not good. Don't be surprised if there's another big Vatican convention to roll back much of what was decreed in VaticanII. Hey, Jews, don't be surprised if you're officially back on the hook for killing Jesus...

Okay, fine. It's kind of admirable to stick to one's guns, but some of the most important Church edicts (and this applies to other Christian sects, too) don't fit in this modern world. The upper echelon of Catholic power is out of touch with the people. This Pope and his cronies would be wise to guide the Church in the direction where the most down-trodden of its congregation needs it to go. As the number of Catholics in this country continues to dwindle, look for the rest of the world's Catholics look for guidance elsewhere as well.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good to see you posting again, Rod!

"…but some of the most important Church edicts... don't fit in this modern world"

This implies that the modern world (or in other words American culture) is more accurate and relevant than the Bible. If you use culture as a guide when drawing a line in the sand regarding important issues, you will find yourself constantly adjusting that line as we as a society become desensitized to yesterday's norm.

It really comes down to this: do we believe that God established and clearly communicated rules that we should live by, or is the Bible another piece of literature whose time has passed? The current and previous Popes, for the most part, have established doctrine that is based on a Biblical foundation, which is not always the most popular stance.

10:01 PM  
Blogger Rod E said...

Oh sure, he doesn't comment on the really important things like music reviews and my pissy liberal political rants, but I mention one little thing about religion... :)

12:16 AM  

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