Wednesday, June 09, 2004

Reagans vs Bush

Link via Daily Kos

Nancy Reagan is an advocate for stem cell research, something that the Bush Administration adamantly opposes.

In the comments of the post, you'll see a link to a Salon article regarding Ron Reagan Jr's distaste for the Republicans and the White House painting George W as "Reagan's Heir".

You could make a case that Bush is his heir, considering that both were/are not fiscally conservative at all, and both did/do everything in their power to widen the divide between the rich and poor. Both tried/try to convey an image of inclusiveness: Reagan, "The Great Communicator"; Bush, "The Compassionate Conservative". All of this is interesting because it isn't widely known what Reagan actually thought of Bush II (if he even thought of him at all, or even if he knew Bush existed). But we do know that his family, the people who were the closest to him and knew him best, are sharply critical of Bush, despite those similarities. This is quite telling of a presidency in trouble.

Update 6/11: George may not be Ronnie's heir after all. It might be Arnie


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